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Galleries and Social Features

The Gallery helps you manage the content you have created or uploaded in the past. You can access it by clicking on the Gallery icon on the right side of your screen. There you will find 4 different tabs: History, Sketches, Uploads, Favorites


Your user history can store up to 1000 images and never reaches its maximum capacity. Only the last 1000 images are retained at any given time. Deleting images frees up space, so you can be sure to use the 1000 maximum effectively. Images in your history will be expired in 30 days after generation.

There are several benefits to storing your best images within the studio. Saving them elsewhere does not retain the necessary information to reproduce the image, create variations using tools like image-to-image or ControlNet, reuse positive or negative prompts for other works, or access other information such as seed, models, or LoRAs. Additionally, having the image saved in your favorites allows for easy comparison and upscaling.

Having your image already saved in the Gallery makes it convenient to pick up editing in another session or automatically move it to canvas for more editing features.

Clicking on an image once will bring it immediately to canvas and place it at the location of your workspace. You can delete an image by clicking the X in the top right of the image. You can favorite an image by clicking the star in the bottom right corner of the image. Finally, you can publish it to the community feed by clicking the arrow in the bottom left corner.


This section maintains favorited images (see above). If you want to “delete” an image from this section, you must click the star again on the corresponding image in your history tab. A filled star means the image is in favorites. Only 100 images can be added to your favorites. Images in your favorites will never expire until you remove it from favorites or exceed the limit.


This section keeps sketches you have created when using Scribble ControlNet. This is useful in case you want to re-use a previous sketch. Simply click on the image and it will be loaded to canvas. You can then click on the image as it appears on canvas and select ControlNet from the image control sidebar.


This section has all the images you have previously uploaded from your local storage.

Community Feed

As mentioned before, users can contribute images to the community feed by clicking on the up arrow in the bottom left corner of an image in the History tab. Note that publishing to the feed will also include the workflow.

While Diffusitron Studio is open, we have strict guidelines against any images depicting harm to minors. We maintain stringent filters within the app to prevent such content. If you see an inappropriate image, please don’t hesitate to contact us via feedback (located in the upper right corner next to the Diffusitron title or on Discord). If you believe your image was unfairly flagged, reach out to our team; we’re happy to help!

Feed images as templates

You can access the feed by clicking on the Feed icon just below the Gallery icon. The community feed is an excellent way to find inspiration and refine your craft. Experienced AI artists develop their own style, prompts, and workflows. Studying works featured in the community feed provides valuable insights into refining your own creative process. Despite all the amazing advancements in AI art, predicting the outcome is still difficult. There’s always an element of surprise, and achieving a specific result can be challenging. Even with training a model or LoRA yourself, some degree of unpredictability will always be there. Taking the time to study how certain images are made is an excellent way to hone your skills and understand how each setting influences the final output.

You can recreate similar images found in the Feed by clicking on an image. This brings it automatically to your workspace. You can click on the image again on canvas and select image-to-image from the image control sidebar, and diffuse. Note that prompts, negative prompts and settings of the original image’s workflow will be loaded into your Studio.